Friday, May 29, 2009

Bridges of conciousness

If after one night we hardly ever remember our dreams...What will happen after death with our bodies completely destroyed?

Learning to be aware of our nights, this is one of our first challenges.

This is one of the first things that Mother taught me: build conciousness bridges within us.


arianeCB said...

yes...but learning to be conscient of our days and thoughts is in my opinion more important...
Sorry if i shouldn't comment,maybe you prefer by mail ?

&& said...

Ariane, your opinions are always welcome (here or in my email)

I agree with what you say. But the days and thoughts require a kind of effort that any person willing and with a strong internal motivation can accomplish.

But night and their worlds are different. In this kingdom seems that we lose consciousness and seems to me that we would have bridges to build. That's what I wanted to say (Mother showed me this in her writings).

Of course, if you wish, you have my mail on the side of this page.

Greetings and peace

Yours, Jordi

Debabrata Ghosh said...

"It is a mistake to think that we live physically only, with the outer mind and life. We are all the time living and acting on other places of consciousness, meeting others there and acting upon them, and what we do and feel and think there, the forces we gather, the results we prepare have an incalculable importance and effect, unknown to us, upon our outer life. Not all of it comes through, and what comes comes through takes another form in the physical-though sometimes there is an exact correspondence; but this little is at the basis of our outward existence. All that we become and do and hear in the physical life is prepared behind the veil within us. It is therefore of immense importance for a yoga which aims at the transformation of life to grow concious of what goes within these domains, to be master there and be able to feel, know and deal with the secret forces that determine our destiny and our internal and external growth or decline."
--Sri Aurobindo
[Letters on Yoga, 23:993-94]

&& said...

Dear Debabrata:

...And the Master didn't wrote about any philosophy.
Aurobindo didn't wrote about any beautiful and evocative theory.
He didn't developed an abstract and incomprehensible metaphysical System.

He knew...

And He knew because he had seen through the eyes of his consciousness.

Indebted to you for this writing.

PD: Please forgive you my English


Blogger said...

Dear Swami,

Everything is consciousness. We know only being conscious. Mind is also consciousness but mind cannot know directly. It knows only by comparing and analysis. So mind is not the source of knowledge. One can know only by union with the object one wants to know about. It is through yoga we can attain unity. Ignorance is absence of sense of unity.
But -I do not follow why do you come to the conclusion that I have tried to impress people to know Sri Aurobindo as a metaphysical philosopher( though he knew it thoroughly).
Perhaps -not being accustomed to the spiritual science as practiced by the Indian yogis for thousands of years -in India -you have written this.
All yogis know in the way Sri Aurobindo knew because they know in union with the reality.
And what is yoga at all -if it is not about consciousness?
Sri Aurobindo was also a yogi in the true sense of the term-but he came as an Avatar of Supramental consciousness. He along with the Mother came to act on and transform the mental conciousness into Supramental consciousness.
Satprem is not the only authority on Ser Aurobindo.
And perhaps you have not fully realised what Satprem wanted to tell the western people as asked by the Mother. Actually as the Mother often said to many including Satprem that the People of the West in general do not conceive spiritual matters in their proper aspect. So the Mother asked Satprem to write the book-'Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness' for the people of the West. The book that you have also read is a well written one. And for the Westerners who want to have some knowledge on Sri Aurobindo -the book served the right purpose.
But to know Sri Aurobindo properly it is required to know India and her search for spiritual truth.
I personally think one should try to know about Sri Aurobindo -by reading his own writings. You will be immensely benefited by reading Life Divine, Synthesis of Yoga, Essays on the Gita, Secret of the Veda etc first.
Nobody -however great can teach or inform about Sri Aurobindo. The writing of Sri Aurobindo carry his vibrant conciousness-which only can rouse a consciousness within the reader.
I am not belittling Satprem. But what you can know from him is mental knowledge only.

&& said...

Dear Debabrata:

I have read the "Life Divine" and "the Synthesis of Yoga" (in Spanish). I also have read all thirteen books of "The Agenda". Of course, I've read Savitri and other works of Sri Aurobindo (some in English and others in Spanish). From Satprem I've only read the book you mention.
I would like comment to you one thing:
After reading The Life Divine, I found the book of Satprem grey and only a weak approximation to the thought of the Master.
I am a Western man, but since very young your great nation and its great and profound spiritually, has always been in my heart. I've read everything all I could about its great yogis. And bewitched by them I began, many years ago, my yoga practice.
It's true that it is very difficult to Western man understand the great spirituality that runs through the veins of India. This is why I read your writings with great interest...because you belong to that great tradition which has given light and hope to humanity.

And this is what I've wanted to say in the post:

I know quite well the Western philosophical systems. And
I know the efforts made by the mental philosophers to write their own systems
It's true that everything is consciousness (how could it be otherwise?), also the mind. But I've always felt that Sri Aurobindo was writing his wonderful prose with a light that came from above. When I read his writings, I have the distinct feeling that these ideas have their roots above and beyond the mental kingdom...And that is very different that work of a common philosopher (at least that's what I think).

After I read the text that you have used to comment, this is what I wanted to say: "Although it may seem only philosophy, it is not at all: it is much more"

It's perfectly clear that you didn't want to give the impression that Sri Aurobindo was only just a philosopher. I never would have dared to suggest such a thing.
But if I've given you that impression, please forgive me.

I am very grateful to you for your patience to read a beginner like me.
Your advice and comments are always taken by me as a treasure of great value.

Yours, Jordi.

Blogger said...

Dear Swami,

Now I have understood you to some extent. The misunderstanding has gone.
I have realised that so far Sri Aurobindo is concerned your approach to him is quite right.
Perhaps you have not expressed yourself properly in English.
God bless you-my friend!
Yours in the Mother,

&& said...

Dear Debabrata:

I will improve my English writing. I could have written this blog in Catalan (my mother language) or in Spanish ... (my second language). Clearly it would have been much easier for me ... but I promised myself to use the language with that Sri Aurobindo wrote his golden experiences..

Greetings and thank you for your words.